Your old notebooks and abandoned books can make a world of difference!

At Educambio, we believe in the transformative power of education and are committed to turning your unused items into upcycled notebooks and community libraries.
Don't let these hidden treasures go to waste. Bring them to us and help us change lives!

How does it work? →

Want to  help?

At Educambio, our social enterprise began with the Cuadernos de Cambio Notebooks for Change.
We were motivated by the children in Colombia who struggle to access school supplies, resulting in writing on the edges of newspapers or even discontinuing their education due to a lack of notebooks.
That's why we're committed to making a difference and providing these children with the resources they need to succeed. Will you join us in our mission to create a brighter future for all?

Taking childhood into consideration, we established a network of support and collaboration between companies, educational institutions, public and private organizations, local artists, and individuals in partnership with our organization.

We realized that each of us has something valuable to offer; hidden treasures at home that could serve as a learning tool for millions of children in Colombia: used notebooks with pages still in good condition.

With this in mind, we developed a system that allows us to collect used notebooks, salvage and process the pages that are still in good condition, and create recycled notebooks that are distributed to the most vulnerable communities.

We have recently expanded our team to include single mothers who live in vulnerable communities. These women have been trained to produce our Cuadernos de Cambio using our 100% recycled materials. This initiative not only provides job opportunities and income for these women but also helps us to reach even more vulnerable communities in need of school supplies.

¿Cómo hacemos los cuadernos de cambio?

Our "Cuadernos de Cambio" are made with the good condition pages of donated notebooks and their covers are crafted from Earth Pact, a paper made from unbleached sugarcane bagasse. This makes our notebooks not only 100% recycled, but also eco-friendly.

The production of these notebooks is carried out by mothers who are heads of household living in vulnerable communities, providing them with job opportunities and empowering them to support their families.

Get your new or used notebooks or books ready and bring them to our collection points


You can take your donations of new or used books and notebooks to:

  • ProntoWash Unicentro Parking Tower:
    Near the Pasoancho exit

If your donations are only BOOKS, you can take them to the Librería Nacional in Cali:

  • Plaza de Caicedo
  • Chipichape Shopping Center